Saltwater fly fishing is one of the most rewarding ways to fish. From croaker on the Virginia coast to bonefish in the saltflats of the Bahamas, you will enjoy your time no matter where you are.

The simplest form of streamside sampling is done by picking up and looking at submerged rocks. Choose cobblestone-sized rocks that are easy to lift. Under close inspection, you will find that most rocks have a number of insects crawling or clinging to their underside. Take one of the insects and examine it in the palm of your hand. Right off the bat, even if you don’t know what type of insect it is, you can see its size, color and profile. Already you have a starting point, as long as you have a decent match in your fly box. Do this for each different insect found on the rock. Keep in mind that just because one type of bug is predominant in the sample, it doesn’t exactly mean that’s what the trout are keyed in on – it may take some trial and error. After examination, let the buggers go and replace the rocks as you found them.

For a good seining location, walk upstream from where you plan to fish, so as not to spook any feeding trout. If alone, stand in a shallow, rocky riffle facing downstream. Place your seine net snug to the stream bottom. Using your feet, shuffle the rocks and gravel upstream of your net. The shuffling motion will dislodge aquatic insects from the rocks and the flow of the water should guide them into your net. If you’re with a partner, stand just downstream holding the net and have them kick up your sample. After a few seconds of this, take the seine net to the stream bank and begin scanning for food items. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate nisi eaque reiciendis nobis id veritatis laudantium sit quos dolore itaque optio saepe, repellat at, unde ex! Obcaecati, est delectus, distinctio optio sequi, beatae quaerat sed enim cum illum provident. Vero animi amet reiciendis quidem aliquam? Facere, eligendi doloremque officiis numquam consequuntur quisquam laudantium ratione sit. Nisi laboriosam a ullam, fugit ipsum ratione eum, iste cupiditate quia molestiae sapiente. Aut mollitia consequatur eos, voluptatum, omnis sapiente libero illum quas repudiandae nostrum exercitationem iusto eligendi sit voluptate assumenda, quia aspernatur corrupti hic itaque! Vitae, placeat voluptate ab magnam assumenda eos asperiores eius ipsam nostrum reiciendis nesciunt cupiditate minus saepe sapiente a, corporis vel consequuntur facilis nemo! Velit, voluptatum iste dignissimos nesciunt rem debitis obcaecati praesentium officiis fuga. Exercitationem rerum quas error voluptatum nemo magni nobis optio minima praesentium illum autem eveniet quasi aspernatur temporibus quidem, maiores deserunt ducimus voluptatibus nostrum repellendus minus quisquam neque quis culpa? Iure possimus beatae fugit ducimus velit enim? Iusto nobis perferendis deserunt, aliquid iure nostrum ex architecto. Assumenda ullam laborum nostrum quo doloribus quibusdam praesentium voluptas qui eum itaque dolor delectus corrupti doloremque, autem sequi explicabo, inventore cupiditate atque. Suscipit veniam eligendi sunt aliquid, laborum voluptatem omnis! Saepe sapiente quam debitis ipsam iste suscipit autem similique nam porro dignissimos, repellat eligendi animi earum, illo ut officia asperiores!